Why Kettlebells?
There is no other training method that develops strength, endurance and cardiovascular capacity quite like the kettlebell. Its ability to provide unparalleled conditioning and turbo charged fitness has seen an upsurge in popularity in recent years, with athletes such as Lance Armstrong, celebrities such as Gerard Butler for 300, Matthew McConaughey, Geri Halliwell and Jennifer Lopez, and the military all incorporating kettlebells into their training regimes.
Kettlebell training differs from traditional weight training routines in that it requires the body to work as one integral unit rather than a number of isolated parts. This, along with the kettlebell’s ability to stabilise the core and create a strong foundation, is essential for optimal functional movement and performance whether you training for sport or everyday life.
Kettlebell training incorporates a series of dynamic, total body, multi-jointed moves which combine to provide the ultimate fat-burning, functional workout. The versatility of the the kettlebell means that whether you are training for sport, looking for long, lean muscles or want to add strength and bulk, this unique, fun and engaging exercise tool will deliver the results you want in half the time of conventional methods.
“For more intensity try kettlebells… it’s a full body workout, aerobic and strength-building”
– TIME Magazine
“Build size, power and functional strength with this unique routine and apparatus.”
– Muscle & Fitness Magazine
• “The Hottest Mom in Hollywood. Mariska Hargitay got her pre-pregnancy body back in four months, here’s how.”
– Self Magazine
• “My arms are really strong. My legs have changed. I’m no Flo Jo but I can see definition in my butt. It’s easier for me to hold August because my back is strong. And my confidence went up immediately.”
– Mariska Hargitay from Self Magazine